Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Joe McClung

Mr. McClung starts off by telling us that many teachers have forgotten - who their true audience is, and are not doing the students justice by teaching lessons geared at getting the approval of their superiors versus their students. He goes on to discuss being flexible and the disappointment of not being able to teach that perfect lesson the way that he had it written, holding students to expectations that they can't meet, not being afraid of technology, listening to students and being a lifelong learner.

I agree with McClung. First of all, I agree that some teachers have forgotten how to deliver a lesson that would best benefit the students rather than creating a lesson that is to impress superiors or the norm. I also agree that content comprehension is sometimes missed or passed over too quickly. I have a different opinion about trying to create the perfect lesson. I don't think that a perfect lesson exists and I look at a lesson as simply a guide not a path set in stone. We create lesson plans to keep us on track so that we don't forget anything.

Expectation... You cannot expect people to live up to a certain standard or you will always be disappointed and so will they. You need to encourage students to set and reach for goals. You hope your students will reach higher and if there is a perceived failure that is all that it is – perceived! I completely agree on the last two of not being afraid of technology and being a lifelong learner. What else could you hope for in a teacher?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gina,
    I could not agree with you more that we can not hope for more than a lifelong learner in a teacher. I also agree with Mr. McClung on just about all of the topics, but the main one is what you mentioned and that is teachers being lifelong learners. I think that is very important for teachers. Overall, I think you did a great job of explaining what he was talking about. Have a great semester!
