Saturday, November 19, 2011

Blog Post Assignment #13

Media Fast

HOLY COW! I thought that completing a media fast would be simple. I routinely commit to fasting for religious beliefs. I thought that a media fast would be simple. After all I had books to read for another class - no problem, or so I thought!

I attempted this fast not just the three times Dr. Strange suggested before calling it quits, but multiple times! I would begin on a day that I has TONS of things to get accomplished, before long I found myself needing the computer to type something for class. The one that got me most often was the cell phone. I use it all the time! Also, I am a photographer by hobby (definitely not trained!) I found that I wanted to take photos with my "free" time.

I was bored out of my mind! Although my home did get cleaned and my laundry got finished... ummm is using the dishwasher and washing machine forbidden, if so... I really failed!

I think I managed to go about 16 hours without using/watching/listening to media. Here is a list of Dr. Strange's rules:
Do not use any electronic (powered by electricity or batteries) entertainment or communications
device for 24 consecutive hours. If you break this activity by using a banned device, you must
start the activity over again.

What is banned:
Any use of television, video records or players
Computers, tablets, notepads or similar devices
Video cameras, audio recorders or equipment, radios, iPods, iPads, iPhones (or any cell phone),
Telephones of any kind, hearing aids (if applicable)
You may go to a movie in a movie theatre, participate in personal conversations, read one or
more books, attend a lecture in person. No FaceBook however for 24 hours.

My failure was complete and total!!!

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