Saturday, September 10, 2011

C4K Post #1

Mose's Blog

I really have enjoyed getting to know what the student likes - today was all about the "silly sports" activity they had at school! Interesting reading. While reading Moses blog I realized that these students are learning about more than just technology and communication, they are learning how to write. Writing has been a lost art form and blogging is slowly returning that art to the forefront.

So today Moses' blog was on the silly sports they did in school. He did a great job explaining what they played and how he enjoyed each game individually. His writing is very good and he can really paint a picture with his words.

Although I really enjoyed Moses' blog today (He wrote it on 8/31), the one I enjoyed more had absolutely nothing to do with school and everything to do with the Rugby Championships. He said on his blog dated 9/9:
"Today our school is supporting the all blacks for rugby world cup. I can tell there going to beat Tonga so go all blacks."

So now I have a kinship with Moses - because one of my dearest friends is Tongan so I would have to cheer for Tonga!

This week I commented on Mrs. Kilgo's class. The Student that I was assigned was Abbie. I made a comment on her post about her favorite desert animal. I commented that I was impressed with her statistics. I asked her where she got her statistics. I asked if she googled it. I also told her that I liked her other post she did on her favorite place. Her favorite place is Florida. My favorite place is Florida too. I told her I loved Sandestin.

I think it is important when talking to kids to make some type of connection and to let them know you understand them.

I enjoyed Abbie's blog this week!

This week I commented on St. Elmo Explorers blog. In this blog Mr. Capps' class is writing thank you notes to Ms. Lucy Buffett for her generous donation of iPads. The student I was given was Sean. He was funny. He thanked Ms. Buffett for her donation and asked her a series of questions about the weather and about how much money she had. You know - normal kid stuff!

I commented on Sean's inquisitiveness and on his concern for the weather where she lives. I also told him that as a Mom I appreciate his willingness to thank Ms. Buffett for her donation. I told him to keep up the good work and that the things he learns today will stay with him for the rest of his life. I ended by asking him is he might ask for an iPad for Christmas.

Sean's note was cute and the kids putting it into a presentation was cool too! Great Job Andy!!!

This week I commented on Germonie's blog post. Germonie's blog post is about places you would like to visit and why. Germonie wants to go to Hawaii! I commented to Germonie that I would also love to visit Hawaii. Someday I hope to be able to go. Until then, I will have to just be happy going to the beaches close to my home.
Germonie did a great job explaining her reasons for wanting to go to Hawaii. Many of those reasons are the same as my reasons for wanting to go. Funny that there is a huge age difference, but we still want the same things!
This is what Germonie had to say about Hawaii:
"i can get massages, stay in bed, and go sky diving in the beach. Hawaii is also a place to
get your stress out and to spend time with your family. Hawaii is a romantic place to get
along with people that you love."
I do not think there could be better reasons for wishing to go to Hawaii! Thanks so much Germonie!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you find C4K beneficial to you. I know from the comments of the teachers that they find them useful and the kids love getting them. Writing for a real audience is important!

    Well done.
